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FT Portfolio

Portfolio categories represent a range of accomplishments you may have achieved over the course of your entire career as a thanatology professional. A minimum of 12 units is required to apply for FT. You will not be required to upload the verification documents with the application. However, if audited, you must be able produce documents to verify the activities you are claiming. It is advised to retain copies of all certificates, letters, and documents of verification should you be asked to produce them.


 Categories Descriptions, Unit Equivalencies, Maximum Units AllowedMethod of Verification

 Providing Direct Services to the Dying, the Decedent, or the Bereaved (including individuals experiencing non-death losses)

Clinical hours providing one-on-one physical care and/or providing emotional, spiritual, or holistic counseling or grief therapy one-on-one or with a group

1 unit for every 200 hours of direct client involvement
Maximum allowed: 6 units

Letter from supervisor or colleague

Completing Advanced Coursework

Receiving credits for completing an academic thanatology course from an accredited post-secondary college or university

1 unit for each course
Maximum allowed: 3 units

Transcript or letter from instructor

Completing Dissertation, Thesis or Other Research in Thanatology

Completing a thanatology-related dissertation or thesis or serving as a researcher or research assistant on a thanatology-related study

2 units for each activity
Maximum allowed: 4 units

Letter from review committee chair or research funder

Providing Thanatology Education

Teaching a death & dying class to students in a high school, trade school, college, or university
Cannot claim the same class more than once

1 unit for each unique class taught
Maximum of 6 units

Letter from school official or name of institution, course title & course description

Achieving Academic Tenure

Receiving tenure from a regionally accredited school in a thanatology department/program or as tenured faculty who is providing or has provided thanatology education in a related discipline

2 units for tenure
Maximum allowed: 2 units

Letter from school official

Providing Thanatology Education to Professionals or Laypersons

Presenting or co-presenting thanatology education in-person or virtually to an audience of professionals or laypersons on a local, state/province, regional, national, or international level
Cannot claim same presentation more than once

1 unit for each 1-hour presentation
Maximum allowed: 6 units

Advertisement listing title of presentation and presenter name

Advocating for Public Policy on Thanatology Issues

Testifying or lobbying to influence the creation or revision of public policy

1 unit for each 1 hour of advocacy activity
Maximum allowed: 2 units

Official notification confirming date/time of advocacy activity

Author or Co-Author of Published Thanatology Content/Research

---Article in a peer reviewed professional journal
---Chapter in an edited book
---Book (can be self-published)

2 units per each article or chapter, 4 units per book
Maximum allowed: 12 units

Citation where article can be found or ISBN# of book

Developing/Creating/Writing Unpublished Thanatology Resources

---Writing training materials for employees on death, dying, loss, bereavement
---Creating a thanatology program for the workplace, community, or clients
---Creating policies that deal with issues of death, dying, loss, and bereavement

1 unit for each activity
Maximum allowed: 2 units

Letter from supervisor or colleague and copy of initial few pages of materials

Achieving Professional Licensure (must be current)

Earning and currently holding a government-issued professional license

1 unit for each current license
Maximum allowed: 2 units

Copy of current license

Serving in an Advanced Professional Thanatology Role

Serving as administrator, executive, officer, director, program coordinator, manager, supervisor, or consultant

1 unit for every 2 years of service in the position
Maximum allowed: 2 units

Letter from supervisor or colleague

Providing Professional Oversight/Training

Supervising, instructing, precepting, mentoring, or training individuals in their thanatology roles
Cannot claim the same training content more than once

1 unit for each single individual or each group of individuals trained
Maximum allowed: 2 units

Letter from a superior or colleague

Achieving a Thanatology Certification (including ADEC’s CT) or Thanatology Certificate

1 unit for each current certification or certificate
Maximum allowed: 2 units

Copy of certification or certificate

Serving on a Board/Governing Body for a Thanatology Institution/Organization

Serving in an elected or appointed position

1 unit for every 2 years of service in the position
Maximum allowed: 2 units

Letter from institution/organization
OGaining Professional Recognition

Receiving an award or professional recognition of your work within the field of thanatology (examples: from your employer, professional field, or local/state/regional/national/international body)

1 unit for each award
Maximum allowed: 2 units

Copy of recognition announcement or letter from awarding body
PVolunteering in a Thanatology Role

Serving as a non-paid volunteer in a thanatology role for a minimum 100 hours (recognizes commitment to the field without expectation of financial compensation)
Cannot claim the same volunteer role/position more than once

1 unit for every 100 hours of service in a volunteer position
Maximum allowed: 2 units

 Letter from supervisor
 QWriting or Implementing a Thanatology Grant

Writing a grant (awarded or not) or implementing a grant in the field of thanatology

1 unit for each grant
Maximum allowed: 2 units

Copy of notification OR name of submitted grant and foundation