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Retired Certification Status

Retired Certification Status: CT(Ret) and FT(Ret)


The Retired Certification Status is a yearly renewal option available to current and previous holders of the CT® and FT® who have retired from their thanatology career position but desire to be recognized for having earned it. 


Who is eligible for the Retired Certification?

Current or previous CTs and FTs who:

  • retired from their professional career in thanatology and are no longer receiving income from thanatology work.
  • maintained their credential for at least 3 full years (one certification period) over the duration of their thanatology related career.

Once the status is granted:

  • Recipients may use the designation of CT(Ret) or FT(Ret).
  • There is no further requirement for Contact hours.
  • It must be renewed annually by December 31.
  • The fee for initial application and the yearly renewal fee are the same.
  • Recipients are listed in the Credentialing Directory on ADECs website as holding the retired CT or FT, coded as CT-R and FT-R.

Reverting from Retired Status to "active status" of the previously held CT or FT

Individuals holding CT-R or FT-R may, one (1) time, revert from retired status to active status of the previously held CT or FT. To revert from retired to active status, send your request to to receive access to the online recertification application portal. You must meet the three-year recertification (contact hours) requirements to qualify.

We recognize there are times when retired individuals may return to part-time or full-time employment in the field of thanatology. Reverting from the retired status to an active status of the previously held CT or FT may occur one time. To revert from retired to active status, send your request to to receive access to the online recertification application portal. You must meet the three-year recertification requirements to qualify.

Retired Certification Status Application Fees

Application fees are the same for the initial application and annual renewal. No refunds will be given if your application is not approved.

ADEC Member Rate – $35  Join now to become an ADEC member.  See Membership Benefits
Nonmember Rate – $75

Credentialing fees are established by the ADEC Board of Directors. 


How to Access Application 

  • You must first log in to your ADEC profile before accessing the application
  • Click on the gold button below to access the Credentialing Application
  • Be sure to select your "Application Type" (the first question on page one)Retired Status
  • Under the dropdown box, select your status type: CT - New Application, FT - New Application, CT - Annual Renewal, or FT - Annual Renewal
  • You do not have to complete your application in one sitting; you can save and return to it
  • Move the completed application to the Cart and submit with payment
  • Within 2-3 weeks, you will receive confirmation of your new or renewed retired status




CONTACT INFORMATIONWhile answers to most questions regarding certification/credentialing are found within the information presented on pages under the tab, "Thanatology Certifications", we welcome any questions that are not answered or unclear. Questions specific to ADEC's credentialing program (CT and FT) should be sent to